Had great fun installing the Medical Assistance and Cardio Vascular window.
exercise is quite challenging. As we chose medical, it made more
difficult and @ same time helped us to think all possibilities
available to make window visually subject specific.
Though we had hard time in finalising the concept, the outcome is kind of satisfactory.
3 dimensional heart is a key prop for Cardiovascular window which we initially thought of making with barbed wire.
made a right choice going with our instructor, Steve Jones idea of foam
board heart which is given depth by scaling. The rest of the space of window is filled with echocardiogram pictures.
Medical Assistance window is again lined with quotational medical
equipment images with hanging plastic syringes on either side. Few
antique medical equipments provided by department adds needed attention
to the window.
Both windows certainly imply simple, informative with required elements representing the respective departments.